Friday, June 6, 2008

Smoking, weed and me.

“I'm in love with a guy who smokes weed, but I don't agree with it. How can I help him to give up without losing him?”

Dr Fixit has her say
Oy….a hard one this and I must ask you some hard questions. Up for it? I take it you care a lot for this guy but not for his dope habit? Have you told him so?

And was his answer a sort of “soft-sell” of dope along the lines of “it’s safe and recreational” and “everybody does it” and “the laws are stupid” and “lots of research shows how it relieves pain” ……(is he in pain?) …..and, best of all, he can stop anytime he wants to.
Have you asked him to do just that for you? And did he?

So whose needs are more important in this relationship? Unless you are the kind of girl who likes a lot of space, as in blank space when he is out of it, you need to ask yourself why you are hanging around here.

Are you perhaps a rescuer of broken wings and lost puppies? Become a counsellor or join the SPCA.

Having said all of that, many young people do experiment with dope whilst they are looking for themselves and eventually get their stuff together. Which is he going to be? The one who loses motivation for life or the one who grows up? I guess that is the question. What do you think?

Till next time,
Dr FiXit.

Dr Fixit is a clinical psychologist (PhD) who works in private practice in Cape Town. She loves to laugh, and is a bit scatter-brained.

Got a relationship problem? Want Dr Fixit’s advice? Write Dr Fixit in the subject line of your email and maybe she can help.

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